Hello and Welcome
VisioMission wants to be a meeting place for anyone who has a heart for the mission and who wants to serve the Lord with their gifts and talents.
At VisioMission, we say: 'Some for us, we for others'. We mean that some have been missionaries for us, we must be missionaries for others. In other words, it is because many people have given their lives so that we may be sons and daughters of God at this moment.
Mission is the heartbeat of God. It is urgent and imperative that every person does mission at least once in his life.
To do mission is to go oneself, it is to contribute to send someone, it is to give money, it is also to visit a missionary in the mission field. Above all, it is prayer.
VisioMission's mission is to :
- Partner with churches to reach remote rural areas with a holistic mission.
- Revive the burden of mission in our communities.
- Strengthen the missionary capacity of the church.
- Train and deploy potential missionary disciple-makers.
- Networking missionaries in the field.
- Foster indigenous church planting.